About the brand

Mariëlle's story
From her own experience, "Every woman deserves to feel beautiful, regardless of your cup size!"
It is almost ironic that precisely Mariëlle van der Loo, is the brain and face behind the successful swimwear and lingerie webshop Annadiva. Years of uncertainty and frustration about her "large cup size" preceded this. Her self-image changed for the first time when she did find what she was looking for. From that moment on, Mariëlle dared to embrace her body and she wishes that to every woman.
Mariëlle's frustration and insecurity grew with each cup size. Buying a new bra or swimwear was a real crime. Yet her very background is her strength. Now she feels comfortable in her own body and shines in her own lingerie and swimwear.
"Our motto is 'Shine with confidence'. You can only convey that message if you feel it yourself. I am a mother of two and I don't have a 'model body'. What size I am, how much I weigh; it says nothing about how beautiful I am. How I feel, what I want to wear; I decide that for myself."

The collections: if you can dream it, you can do it
Almost 10 years after the launch of Annadiva, it was time for the realization of a new dream: its own collection. In 2021, Annadiva launched its first swimwear collection and a lingerie line soon followed. Under the motto "for women, by women," the collections are composed and developed in a wide range of sizes. The Annadiva collections are available from cup C to I and completely fitting within the latest trends, fashion, colors and prints, because that is precisely what is missing and should not be missing in a so-called 'difficult' cup size.
For women, by women
Annadiva is sold exclusively through the Annadiva webshops in the Netherlands, Belgium and Germany and in the three physical stores. Recently, Annadiva is also available in selected lingerie stores. We would like to expand this network in a healthy way. Interested? Then contact us via the button below.